His costume was pretty adorable if you ask me.
Everywhere we went, people stopped us to say how cute he was! Lots of people said that they had never seen an elephant costume before and some people asked us where we got it.
Maddox loved his costume too. Mostly, he loved to eat it. The tusks . . .
and the trunk.
We went on a very crowded hay-rack ride pulled by horses. (Last time it was a tractor)
We ate some more hay.
And we had our very first candy.
What 10 month old doesn't love artificially flavored, artificially colored, pure sugar, shaped perfectly into a choking hazard and placed on stick?
He did earn it after all.
It was a great first Halloween for Maddox and a long day for all of us.
Especially the Elephant.
Happy Halloween!
Never seen the hip carry on the ergo, looks interesting, might have to try! His costume is too cute!
He is so cute Lindsey! Love his costume!
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