
Our Big News

We found out on April 23rd (the day after my 23rd birthday) that we are expecting a new addition to the Becker family! I had been feeling nauseous for almost a week with no explanation. After taking an at-home test, we confirmed what I had been thinking. Matt was excited from the beginning, and I was a little apprehensive at first. We both know that God has a reason for everything, and we are very excited to welcome our first child (and both of our parents' first grandchild) into our family.

I have not been to the doctor yet, since we are in the middle of moving out of state, but will see a doctor as soon as we get settled in Chicago. I am thinking that I'm about 9 weeks along, and if I had to guess I would say Mid-December as a due date. I would even guess December 19 or 20th. But we'll know more certainly in a couple of weeks.

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