
20 Weeks

I am actually 20 weeks and 3 days, but who's counting? (Me. I am.)
 How far along: 20 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I have gained 5 pounds.
Stretchmarks: No new ones!
Sleep: Pretty good.
Best Moment This Week: We found out we are having another boy!
Movement: Great! I usually feel him rolling around 2 - 3 times a day, you can finally feel the little nudges from outside my tummy. He is a strong little boy!
Gender: Boy! Mother's intuition I guess. Still working on a name for the little guy.
Labor Signs: Nada
Belly Button: Still in, but getting flatter.
What I Miss: Nothing really, I am enjoying every minute now that I am comfortably in the second trimester.
What I am Looking Forward to: Deciding on a name!

We had our 20 week checkup last week. Everything is looking good! The baby is measuring just a little bit above average, guessing that means he's going to be a big little guy! His heart rate was in the high 140's, low 150's.
There was a small concern about the location of the placenta. During the ultrasound the tech noticed that the placenta is close to the cervix. It was 1.8 cm away. In order to continue with a routine vaginal delivery, the placenta has to be at least 2.5 cm away. The technician said that she is sure that it will move away, but it does worry me a little bit.
Overall, everything is as it should be. Baby looks healthy, I am healthy and feeling very well. (I really don't even feel pregnant most days!) Now we just need to decide on a name and we will be all set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very clever picture taking! You look amazing.