
If You'd Like to Make a Call . . .

You probably can't, at least not at our house. Maddox is always on the phone. Not talking to anyone in particular, although, as many of you can attest to, he does make calls from time to time.
 One of his favorite pastimes is playing with a cell phone. I don't mind, as long as he is being gentle. I do try to intercept the occasional attempted phone call and garbled text message, but I am not always successful.

He has learned to put the phone to his ear, and will sometimes make a noise that sounds like "Lo!". We never taught him that little trick, which just goes to show you how much your children pay attention to your actions! I have even caught him holding the small DVD remote up to his ear. Now when we say "Say hello!" He will put whatever object he has in his hand, up to his ear.

Also in this video I attempt, unsuccessfully, to get him to wave "bye bye". He does, however, crawl over to the door, as he knows "bye bye" means someone is leaving. He is so smart! And so obstinate.

It's strange to think that my children will probably think of "land line telephones" as old fashioned, never mind telephones that are actually connected by a cord. I can just hear Maddox asking me someday "You used to talk on phones that had a cord? You had to stay in one place while you were on the phone? Whoa!"

Yes son, we also had televisions that weren't flat, car windows that had to be rolled down by hand, watched movies on a VCR and gas was only $3 a gallon. Those were the good ole days.


mom said...

Oh my Gosh...This video makes me miss him so much. I Love the day to day stuff. He's changing so much and growing up too fast. I LOVE how he tries so hard to push the buttons...Which explains a few of those calls. He chews on it pretty hard as well...Love you all...

Grandma Kathy said...

We love watching his videos! Thanks so much for putting them here for us! What a gift....