
11 Months

Bubba is 11 months old. Which means it's only 30 days until the big birthday!

*He is eating a little more solid food.
*He is definitely thinning out. He is too busy to nurse for more than a few minutes, and he isn't eating a ton of solids, plus he is crawling all over the place and burning off that baby fat. I don't think he has gained much weight in the past couple months. I guess we will see at his next visit!
*He still isn't sleeping through the night routinely. On a good night, he will wake up once, but can be up as many as three times. Which feels like a lot! But we are working on it.
*He puts himself to sleep for the most part.
* Sleeps 12 hours a night, and take one 2 hour nap. He has officially given up his morning nap. Which is okay with me, since he sleeps so long at night.
*When you pick him up, he points to where he wants to go. It's very cute, and sometimes interesting where he will lead you!
*Can stand very well, but still a little apprehensive about take any steps.
*He loves to dance, look at books, and play peek-a-boo.
*He loves to cuddle, and will give a kiss when you ask him, but only if he wants to!

I think that's most of it. He does something new every day, so I am sure I am forgetting a thing or two. He is still inquisitive, curious, and full of sunshine! He brightens all of my days.

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